Monday, June 15, 2009

So I am back.....

Since March my world had turned upside down. My father passing was unexpected and my mom breaking both her wrist two days before my father's death, was just a sign of what was to come. When someone close to you leaves without pain and suddenly, you are left with the feeling of lost and abandonment. I know my dad didn't intend to leave that day and even now during my conversation with friends and strangers, I refer to him in the present tense. Not "was" but "is". I know probably it is not healthy but with strangers I like to pretend my dad is still alive and in a weird way to them he is alive. Alive in my memory. I miss him.

So I thought this artist represents how I felt. Small and horrified the fact that my dad has died. Gone...
Photographer Jonah Samson - Pleasantville


andebobandy said...

welcome back

Courtney Maum said...

these are AMAZING! you don't know him personally, do you? I want one! and ps- we miss you so much out here!